Appeal rejected by SERI - decision will be contested

On August 20, 2024, the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI decided to reject the objections of OPTIKSCHWEIZ, as well as the FHNW, SBAO and Umbria Club, against the approval of the examination regulations for the higher professional examination for experts in ophthalmic optics with a federal diploma. The draft examination regulations of the AOVS were thus approved by SERI.

At its meeting on August 26, 2024, the OPTIKSCHWEIZ Board of Directors discussed the SERI's decision of August 20, 2024. After in-depth discussion, the following decisions were made:

  • OPTIKSCHWEIZ will contest SERI's decision and lodge an appeal.
  • The appeal is only possible within a non-extendable period. If necessary, possible and suitable alternatives for further training can be sought separately.
  • OPTIKSCHWEIZ recognizes and acknowledges that there are different needs and expectations in the industry, including among its members, for suitable further training courses (refraction and contact lenses).
  • OPTIKSCHWEIZ is still prepared to hold talks with the AOVS about further training for opticians EFZ and to work out a joint solution that is suitable for the industry and acceptable in terms of quality and content.

OPTIKSCHWEIZ certainly sees possibilities and constructive approaches in an open-ended discussion. However, the present examination regulations for experts in ophthalmic optics are unacceptable in form and content for various reasons.

The AOVS "healthcare craftsman" also has supporters among members, not least in stores that hope it will improve the situation with regard to succession and business sales, as well as making it easier to fill vacancies in the refraction and contact lens sector. Whether such considerations and calculations would work out remains to be seen.

This was announced by Gregor Maranta, Central President and Christian Loser, Managing Director of OPTIKSCHWEIZ.

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