CooperVision focuses on presbyopia
There are good reasons why CooperVision is once again placing a special focus on presbyopia this fall and winter, placing multifocal contact lenses at the center of a communication offensive as the optimal care for presbyopes. Presbyopia affects everyone from a certain age and is therefore a huge target group with high sales potential for optical retailers.
Especially in the darker months of the year, when poorer light conditions and shorter days put additional strain on vision, solutions are needed to make everyday life easier for those affected. Multifocal contact lenses offer perfect support here. At the same time, this contact lens segment is the fastest growing in Europe.
In 2020, the proportion of over 45-year-olds in the global population was 30 percent, and the trend is rising. Some of the most ageing societies are in Europe, led by Italy and Germany, a demographic factor that is particularly relevant as a growth driver for the contact lens market. Accordingly, presbyopia is of great importance in the over-the-counter retail sector.
Comprehensive information and advertising package
With the "See everything again" communication campaign, CooperVision is providing an important impetus for this and emphasizing the importance of multifocal contact lenses as a reliable, uncomplicated and high-quality visual aid for the treatment of presbyopia. This is based on decades of experience in contact lens research and development, which have made the company and its product range a leading contact lens manufacturer worldwide. With detailed information and advertising materials, the CooperVision campaign supports the stationary partners in proactively addressing presbyopia and highlighting the advantages of progressive contact lenses: Excellent vision at all distances, high wearing comfort, a clear field of vision, no disruptive and impairing influences such as slipping, fogging, scratching or loss, no switching between different visual aids - convincing criteria for all activities.
"Opticians should take every opportunity, especially at the start of the autumn months, to talk to customers about presbyopia and raise their awareness. Especially in age groups where these factors may have already set in almost unnoticed," says Dr. Ole Rossbach, Head of Marketing DACH at CooperVision. This is also supported by the results of a recent survey: 9 out of 10 consumers who do not yet need vision correction and do not know anything about presbyopia would like to be informed about it during an eye examination.
Modern aids for more successful fitting
Despite the many advantages that multifocal contact lenses offer for contact lens wearers and contact lens fitters alike, they are still often neglected in ophthalmic practice when treating presbyopia. One reason for this may be the traditional prejudice that fitting multifocal contact lenses involves far greater effort and longer fitting times, inhibiting attributes that have long been outdated and refuted by practice. Modern aids such as the OptiExpert app from CooperVision, a contact lens calculator that performs parameter conversions and provides optimal contact lens recommendations, provide good support during the fitting process. "The app is a smart solution for saving time when fitting multifocal contact lenses. This only takes two to three minutes longer with the app than when fitting single-vision contact lenses," explains Rossbach. CooperVision also has a comprehensive product brochure with practical tips and tricks for more fitting success for stationary retailers.
CooperVision offers by far the largest selection of multifocal contact lenses, with a hundred times more fitting options than other established manufacturers combined. 44 percent of all presbyopic contact lens wearers in Europe wear progressive contact lenses from CooperVision. This speaks for itself and for the expertise behind the current campaign.
With social media campaigns, posting templates and attractive POS materials such as posters and advertising flyers, CooperVision accompanies stationary partners through the campaign, not only in the fall. Interested opticians can find out more at or from their CooperVision sales representative. Detailed information on the CooperVision contact lens program can be found at