September is Myopia Action Month

CooperVision is once again committed to raising awareness and reducing myopia in children. Myopia is a chronic, progressive condition that is increasing in prevalence and severity. Researchers predict that by 2050, more than 50 percent of the world's population will be affected by this vision defect.

The fatal thing is that although myopia progresses particularly quickly under the age of 15, regular myopia management is not yet part of standard healthcare for children. Reason enough for CooperVision, one of the world's leading contact lens manufacturers, to bring the issue to the public's attention in September with "Myopia Action Month".

The MyopiaProfile knowledge platform, which specializes in the management and inhibition of myopia, provides information on myopia in children and adolescents in collaboration with internationally renowned experts in optometry and ophthalmology as well as partner companies in the industry, including CooperVision as one of the founding partners. Furthermore, the importance of early intervention and appropriate treatment and care options will be emphasized.

Myopia Action Month" is taking place for the second time. Opticians are also called upon to support the initiative by making parents aware of the importance of regular check-ups for children. Medical professionals and optometrists can find evidence-based information, case studies, scientific articles and educational materials on the website to help them better understand myopia in children and adolescents and help slow its progression. In addition, 15-minute educational videos (in English) are available on topics such as "Myopia management in children" and "Educating parents of myopic children on proper myopia management". The content of the video formats is in line with the recommendations of the World Council of Optometry.

Petra Zapsky, Head of Professional Affairs CooperVision DACH, says: "We advise all opticians to take a look around the platform and use the wide range of materials, educate themselves and talk to parents", because "only together can we help to reduce the increase in myopia so that millions of myopic children around the world can lead a better life."

Further information and all videos can be found at:

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