Delémont" summer competition - final stage

The 5th and final stage of our summer competition is all about Delémont. Délemont and the surrounding area can be perfectly explored on a Foxtrail. Delémont is also home to the headquarters of cerjo, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. That's why there is once again a cerjo sunglasses "Special Edition 2023" to be won.

The Foxtrail experience starts in D©lemont, where you pass the historic Museum Jurassien and the beautiful church in the old town. The trail then follows the course of the Sorne stream and jumps onto the train. The journey leaves enough time to puzzle and enjoy the scenery. You then arrive in a historic little town in the Clos-du-Doubs region and take the panoramic trail under your feet. With the hermitage, the old town gate and the historic church, the trail ends with further highlights.

We recommend traveling by public transport. The start and finish are not in the same village. From the end post, it is a 10-minute walk to the nearest train station and then another 20-minute ride (connection every half hour) to Del©mont.

Info and registration Foxtrail

Further information and registration at foxtrail.chon the start page, type "Saurus" into the search box!


Send an e-mail with your answer to by the end of October. Please don't forget to include your full address and tell us whether you would prefer to win the men's or women's model of the cerjo anniversary sunglasses.

"Saurus" is also the solution word.


The winner of stage 4 was Joel Bauer from Elsau, who won the men's model of the cerjo 50th anniversary special edition 2023. Congratulations!

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