Good News from PlasticBank
In the face of plastic pollution and poverty, a story of hope and change unfolds. Imagine if more than 100 million kilograms of discarded plastic - the equivalent of no less than 5 billion 500 ml bottles - would no longer pollute our precious environment... This is not just a dream, but a remarkable milestone that PlasticBank has achieved together with numerous partners and supporters!
PlasticBank writes: "Our heartfelt thanks go to our over 40,000 collection members in more than 580 recycling communities who have collected every piece of plastic by hand and thus paved their way out of poverty. But praise also goes to our partners and supporters. We are on an incredible journey that has only just begun! Before we continue this adventure, take a moment to watch the video below and discover four of the 100,000,000 reasons to celebrate the purpose, wisdom and passion of our community members."
Create moments
Nia Sari, a PlasticBank collector in Indonesia, was dragging an old, unreliable motorcycle with her load of collected plastic. And with it came financial worries. That all changed last September when PlasticBank officials surprised her at her home in Bali. Take a look at the Video and experience a really touching story!